What are Party Boards? A party board is a fun event sponsored and donated by an individual host or company sponsor to support our school community. How does it work? You purchase a ticket for each person who will be attending the party. You come to the event and have a great time! Proceeds from each ticket sold will help support our programs. We specially curated these events to cater to our diverse community and tried to schedule them on dates that don't conflict with school events. Now let's party!
How do I purchase tickets? To purchase tickets, click on the link below each event. You will then be directed to the Greater Giving website. Click on the button at the top of the page that says START BIDDING. Then either click CREATE ACCOUNT if you have never used Greater Giving, or Log In to your account if you have an account from the Spring Gala. You will then be able to "Start Bidding" on the event your would like to go to. Click on the icon of the event, then Buy, select quantity, then Buy again, and the process is complete.
2019 Spring Gala & Auction Party Boards
The 2019 Spring Gala & Auction Party Boards will be listed in early-2019 and will be available to purchase the night of the Spring Gala on Saturday, April 6, 2019. Tickets that are not sold the night of the Gala will be available through the Online Auction, which will be live Friday, April 12, 2019.