Handwork and Cooperative Games - Grades 2-5 Supply Fee $15 Minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 participants Waldorf teachers Dave Keenan and Caroline Hopewell will offer a fun morning, afternoon, or full day of cooperative games and handwork. Second and 3rd grade children will focus on cooperative games, while 4th and 5th graders will explore circus arts in addition to cooperative games. In handwork, students may complete a recent project or begin a new one. Children may knit or crochet a small animal.
Handwork and Cooperative Games: Counselors in Training - Grades 6-8 Supply Fee $15 This is an opportunity, for 2 to 3 students who enjoy handwork and games, to help younger students complete their work, yet have time to work on their own project. Interested students should write a letter of intent and schedule an interview with Mrs. Hopewell.
Maker Lab: Mindful Creativity - Grades 4-8 CLASS CANCELLED Supply Fee $40 Minimum of 5 and maximum of 15 participants This camp will take children through the process of coming up with an idea using the materials on hand, work through that idea, bring the idea to life, re-imagine the idea as they encounter difficulties, and present their process to their peers! Children will get a first-hand experience of what it means to work through a larger-scale project - all the while learning how to hone the faculties of awareness and non-reactivity in mindfulness-base exercises. Children will start the week with a table full of odd materials. They will have the option to work alone or with a friend to design some creation with the materials and tools on hand. After going through the process of designing, building, troubleshooting, and finalizing their creation, they will create a presentation board (science-fair style) to share what they've done and to reflect on the process.
Morning: 8:30 a.m. until Noon
Childhood Magic - Grades K-1 Supply Fee $15 Minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 participants Theme: Bugs with a purpose. Nature is clever creating all of us with talents and jobs to do! Even our bug friends. We will be going outdoors daily. Water and splashy play will be every Friday and require sunblock and a towel.
Gardening and Cooking - Grades 2-4 Supply Fee $15 Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 participants Waldorf gardening teacher Jill Bell will teach this summer camp. Daily schedule will include yoga/stretching in the garden, gardening (planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, building garden beds), free play, then cooking and preparing food from the garden. **We will need a list of food allergies for your child.
Handwork and Cooperative Games - Grades 2-5 Supply Fee $15 Minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 participants Waldorf teachers Dave Keenan and Caroline Hopewell will offer a fun morning, afternoon, or full day of cooperative games and handwork. Second and 3rd grade children will focus on cooperative games, while 4th and 5th graders will explore circus arts in addition to cooperative games. In handwork, students may complete a recent project or begin a new one. Children may knit or crochet a small animal.
Handwork and Cooperative Games - Counselors in Training - Grades 6-8 Supply Fee $15 This is an opportunity, for 2 to 3 students who enjoy handwork and games, to help younger students complete their work, yet have time to work on their own project. Interested students should write a letter of intent and schedule an interview with Mrs. Hopewell.
Adventure Education & Teambuilding - Grades 5-10 CLASS CANCELLED Supply Fee $35 Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 participants Waldorf teacher Bri Boertman will teach this camp where children will play fun and interactive games while learning to work better together as a team and develop leadership skills. Activities will be experiential and most of the time will be spent outdoors.
Drawing - Grades 5-9 Supply Fee $30 Students will learn basic drawing techniques and work with various drawing mediums, figure drawing, still life, and perspective using pencil, pen, and charcoal.
Afternoon: 12:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Music and Movement - Grades K-2 Supply Fee $5 Minimum of 8 and maximum of 15 participants Assistant Music Director Misti Moberly will teach music through singing, music games, instrument exploration, puppet play, and guided imaginative play. Children will be making their own instruments at the end of the week.
Handwork and Cooperative Games - Grades 2-5 Supply Fee $15 Minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 participants Waldorf teachers Dave Keenan and Caroline Hopewell will offer a fun morning, afternoon, or full day of cooperative games and handwork. Second and 3rd grade children will focus on cooperative games, while 4th and 5th graders will explore circus arts in addition to cooperative games. In handwork, students may complete a recent project or begin a new one. Children may knit or crochet a small animal.
Handwork and Cooperative Games - Counselors in Training - Grades 6-8 Supply Fee $15 This is an opportunity, for 2 to 3 students who enjoy handwork and games, to help younger students complete their work, yet have time to work on their own project. Interested students should write a letter of intent and schedule an interview with Mrs. Hopewell.
Acro Yoga and Artshop - Grades 5-10 CLASS CANCELLED Supply Fee $40 Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 participants Acro yoga is a fun form of partner yoga and acrobatics. Children will safely learn how to base and fly from Waldorf teacher Bri Boertman. After each acro yoga session, we will do fun art activities with paint and collage. Students should be able and willing to follow directions and be comfortable making physical contact with their peers.
Mixed Medium Art - Grades 5-9 Supply Fee $30 Minimum of 3 and maximum of 15 participants This class will focus on incorporating various mediums into an art piece (ie. pen work on canvas with paint, paint and collage/paper). Students will start by learning techniques of paint, dive into some color theory, and integrate art styles into one cohesive expression.